“John” had pulled himself out of homelessness and obtained steady employment and an apartment. Things were going well for him until his car broke down unexpectedly. His job required him to have a reliable car and he could not afford to replace it. Then an ongoing health issue resurfaced that required surgery. It became difficult to keep up with rent. Financial help from a couple of agencies helped him get through his recovery and Threshold to New Life helped him with rent so he is able to recover in his home.
Deaths Nearly Become Double the Tragedy
Sometimes our clients run into a string of unforeseen hardships all at once. Over the past year, “Marcus” had to deal with the death of his newborn baby and his sister. These tragedies involved funeral expenses and travel costs above his typical expenses. These events also led to severe depression and left Marcus struggling to make his payments. A grant from Threshold to New Life and other agencies assisted him in getting his outstanding rent balance paid off and he is now in a much better situation and has been able to remain in his home.