“The Chill Sisters”
Once in a while you receive such encouragement you just can’t keep it to yourself.
We received this greeting card and seven individual personal checks providing encouragement and monetary support to our organization. We have had no contact with any of these ladies before. Apparently, one of them saw our story in the mass media and shared it with the others. Here’s their words:
“Our group “The Chill Sisters” every Christmas for 42 years have been together and support a cause. Your story and the lives you are changing is inspirational. Assisting people prior to being homeless and helping those who are overcome spoke to our hearts. God has been a very big part of all of our lives. We love to spread his love for all people. Helping your fellow man is important to us. God Bless! Thank you for what you’re doing.”
May God bless these ladies. We’re SO thankful for their assistance and encouragement. Lives will be changed due to their efforts.
Merry Christmas to all!